For you on this snowy October morning in Dutchess County, here is my grandfather’s car!
“Buried Liz” 02/09/1945 by John Losee
In front of the Losee (Thomas) house, in Upper Red Hook. The car has two points of interest sticking out of the snow: 1) the searchlight on the right side and 2) the Civil Defense logo on the left. During WWII, grandpa was a local civil defender. I’m not sure exactly what his responsibilities were, but I image he patrolled during air raid drills or something similar. This reminds me of a WWII-era Bugs Bunny cartoon where someone in the distance shouts “put out that light!!” Jack-Wabbit and the Beanstalk (I. Friz Freleng, 1943) But I can’t imaging Grampa yelling about anything!
I don’t know who the gentleman is, but my Gramm, Clara Losee (in the red kerchief) is standing just between the columns and gutter on the porch.
What great pictures,was the snow storm GPa’s car was in 1949?
I have some great ones too. Your Aunt and you look alot alike and your Mom looked like her?
The photo was taken on Feb 9th, 1946. ^_^
By the way, is this Joan Roberts? ^_^ I’ve been trying to figure out who ‘joan’ is and mom just suggested this could be you~ ^_^