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For you on this snowy October morning in Dutchess County, here is my grandfather’s car!

“Buried Liz” 02/09/1945 by John Losee

In front of the Losee (Thomas) house, in Upper Red Hook. The car has two points of interest sticking out of the snow: 1) the searchlight on the right side and 2) the Civil Defense logo on the left. During WWII, grandpa was a local civil defender. I’m not sure exactly what his responsibilities were, but I image he patrolled during air raid drills or something similar. This reminds me of a WWII-era Bugs Bunny cartoon where someone in the distance shouts “put out that light!!” Jack-Wabbit and the Beanstalk (I. Friz Freleng, 1943) But I can’t imaging Grampa yelling about anything!

I don’t know who the gentleman is, but my Gramm, Clara Losee (in the red kerchief) is standing just between the columns and gutter on the porch.