

Feb 2, 1917

7.30 Ex “H” – Bal. A.M. lost temper – C.A. failed to bal. “L” typed in eve. War outlook seems less frowning. Am too critical of HD. Ex. 11.30

Feb 3, 1917

7.15 AM Ex. At tem this AM we first heard of the severing of relations with Germany. Bal “L”. Posted cash. Reports come in of “big business” falling in line for the country’s interests. Bernstorf reported to have said “I am so sorry. But I expected it. There was nothing left to do.” Must hold my working pace & cultivate neatness. Ex. 11.45

Pibicco (?) 45 Dutchess 15 Candy 10

Feb 4, 1917

Arose 9 A.M. Ex to S.S.  – all reports show the country solidly behind the Pres. If Holland only will join in. Spain and Brazil seem certain. Typed in A.M. write to E.B. 12 P.P.

Feb 5, 1917

Arose 7:35 AM. Ex. – Blizzard – Worked all day for W.R. – on B – Wilson has asked other neutrals to align themselves with the U.S. Finished typing Haddocks P. for S. Must plan now for work on Coml. Gas Course. 11.20 P.M.