

Feb. 12, 1917

8.15 Ex. Sun bath, walk, read. History of the Fabian Society* in P.M. Went to Spring Lake – found myself a poor skater – need more winter exercise & fresh air. – was below zero all day. Movie in eve. Typed a few lines. 10.00

Skates 40, car 5, movies 10, chocolate 5 (60₵)

Feb. 13, 1917

7.30 Ex. To work late – was called. Must improve this. Nation seems to be marshaling its resources for war. Went to Richardson’s in eve. Have a 3 led. cash posted up to Dis. Per.

75₵ 11.30 P.M.

Feb. 18, 1917

Have been ill. Stomach – after reception at Rutherfords 95 – Wed. Thur 0 & Fri 25, ill – posted cash up. Sat 40₵ took of discts – 17th on recap & all statements. G/2 billed. Sun. Trinity SS & enjoyed Shear Morn. Ser. at Bap. Church. P.M. Liberty service.

Wasted day in general – but finished Pease’s History of the Fabian Society. 11 P.M.


*Per Wikipedia: “The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow.”