This is an amateur local history blog created and updated by an amateur local historian.
I’m originally from Millerton but lived in Poughkeepsie for a few years and have owned a home in Pine Plains for a long time now. My mom is from Rock City, dad is from Jackson Corners, and both sides of the family trace back mostly to Northern Dutchess and Southern Columbia Counties with surnames like Hermans, Pulver, Losee, Knickerbocker, Fraleigh, Curtis, Kilmer, Hoysradt, Miller, McArthur, Link, Rowe, and Stewart. My grandmother’s Weller, Carpenter, Wells/Duell, Kelly, Merrit, Hutchins, Smith, etc. family was from Franklin County.
I owe my love for local history and genealogy to my late grandmother Clara Weller Losee and late aunt Sally Hermans Burdick.
The blog gets updated when I have something interesting I’ve researched or pondered that I want to share. For an explanation of the title of the blog, see this post.