July 2018
The 3rd German drive started 7/14/18 & was speedily halted. Foch has finally struck using 200,000 Americans. The Crown Prince’s army is finding hard work to extricate itself intact from the Marne to the Aisne. Loissons is on the verge of capture & Rheims is still held. Chateau Thearry on the Marne was taken by our troops on the 21st. The steadily growing depression of the Allies in the face of the previously successful attacks has now been swept away. The first French drive of the year & developed from a counter-attack. This 2nd battle of the Marne may mark the high water mark of Prussian success (ie penetration) & at the same time the turning point of the balance of power.
Spend a week’s vacation at Aunt Teens. Geo. B canot (sic) get farm labor – a universal condition – & consequently has difficulty in harvesting any crops. Uncle Harry’s farm – now the Gun Clubs – the chestnut timber (which had mostly died off) was being sawed up at Springside. Mitchell was killed during my stay – our first great loss in the War. He was only 39 years old & was N.Y. City’s youngest mayor. Col. Roosevelt’s son Quentin was killed the other day – in aviation in France.
In the office – nightingale – our cost expert has entered the Ordnance Dept. Rowe goes in a few days – as will Wacker & Masten. Some 25 in all from the office. Doughty left to for a position in exporting Co. in N. Y. City. Spent the 4th at Mt. Beacon with Miss Duryea.
U Boat sank the San Diego (7/20th) & also a tow off Boston after some hr & ½ poor shooting & 3 torpedoes (3 barques were empty, one filled with stone).