If this is the Kate Rosa mentioned in Almira Culver’s letter, she is Catherine Persen Roosa daughter of Garrett M Roosa and Catherine Post from Hurley, NY. Kate was born 13 May 1836, married Abraham Houseman Hasbrouck and died 26 Jan 1906. They had six children, three of which were still living in 1900 including an unmarried dressmaker daughter Jane who was 37 (the same age as the author as of this writing).

Paid Hurley NY 26 Sept 55 Paid 3” on the top, addressed to “Miss Mary E Knickerbocker Tivoli Dutchess Co N.Y.” sealed with red wax and what looks like an F
Hurley, Sept 24th, 1855
My Sweet friend,
It is always a source of happiness to me to hear from my friends, although I sometimes feel as though they had all forgotten me and not without cause for I like my correspondents to be punctual about answering letters.
I looked for one from you so long that I became discouraged thinking you had found some dearer friend to occupy all your time & thoughts, but I was agreeably disappointed not too long since by recieving[sic] a letter from you-
It is so long since I have had the pleasure of writing to you that I do not know where to begin to tell you what has occurred during that time.
I have had a very pleasant visit from Libbie Hulse the week before school closed she looks as natural as ever her health is better than it used to be while at school she has been teaching at home and now she thought of taking a school about 15 miles from home. She went from here to Pough to the examination. I should so much have liked to gone with her but I could not leave home. My friend Mary Robison graduated this summer. She is now living in Kingston so I have the opportunity of seeing her often.
Saturday afternoon two couple of us went out to Saugerties so I was very near you and you may feel assured I thought of you nearly all the time. I could see Tivoli and the boat crossing but I could no go. Had it been any other day than Sunday I should certainly have called to see you we came home in the evening by moonlight.
What lovely evenings we have now. To morrow evening there is a society given in the village. Do come down and go with me. We expect Mr. Schemerhorn to spend the day with us to morrow. I presume you have heard that name before. he is on his way to college. Rutgers in New Brunswick.
I almost forgot to tell you who I saw in church Sunday in Saugerties, Gus Packer from Poughkeepsie. I had a bow, that was all I could not speak to her. I wonder if she is teaching there, or if she is visiting wherever I go I am sure to meet some schoolmate. I wish the fates would let us meet too. Where is Edith Hayes, have you spoken to her? or does she not stay in Tivoli? I am getting sleepy now and must close for I am writing a very long letter. I fear it will weary your patience to read it and such writing too. Please excuse it and answer me soon Come and see me soon, will you?
Yours al’s Kate
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