
October 14th, 1917

Mater died Oct. 11th at 4 A.M.

On the 10th she had 2 severe hemorrhages which left her very weak. Father was called over at three that night. At five, Inez phoned for me to come over at once. I stayed til father came went home for supper and returned. Miss I Clark, Mss Bush, and Annie Odell were there in the early evening. She was too weak to talk or to open her eyes except in their coming and going. At eight her strength returned for two or three fleeting minutes. She asked me the news and I told her briefly of the reported German peace proposals. She was so very tired. I spoke to her of the psalms and read a few verses She said “I could not read them, David was so harsh and unforgiving.” She dropped off once more into half unconscious sleep. At three oclock father & I were called upon again. Mother did not regain consciousness and had no perceptible pulse. At four her breathing was hushed.

Annie E. Read, wife of Charles Vassar Baker (daughter of Daniel Reid and Helen Elmdia Wheaton) died October 11, 1917 at the General Hospital, this city, after an extended illness. Born in North Gage, Oneida County, in (11 November) 1856. the last 50 years of her life were spent in Dutchess County. For many years she was organist and an active member of the Christian Church, Clove Valley. Her latter years were spent in Poughkeepsie, where she attended the First Baptist Church. Her life and character were rarely beautiful; full of charm, of kindliness, and true discernment. She was a fond mother, a devoted wife, and the true friend of the many who paid their last tributes to her memory, Saturday, October 13.

The funeral took place Saturday a bright sunny windy day. The Rev. F D Elmer had charge. Aunt Mary & Uncle Charles came on. The Uhls and Davises and Aunt Jean from Cloves. Harry sent a telegram from Bridgeport that Aunt Effie was very ill. The Acct. Dept., the Storms, Albros, Lanes, Christies and many others sent flowers.

Very frail and white she lay there. So thin and worn, so resigned and patient. A sweet face and yet so strong and sincere.

The cemetry (sic), the burial plot, its outlook, and the fine October day, just before the leaves had commenced to fall; it was very beautiful. Dad & I visited it the next Sunday.

If this is not the start of a fresh chapter in my life then have I proved unworthy of my heritage.

Hitherto I have lived for the most part, for the happiness of the present and fleeting moment. From now on, I must build for the future. I am now almost 24 years old.

I lack self control.

I lack vision, purpose, and a goal.

I lack diligence punctuality, discipline.

I lack tact, kindness, patience, and consideration.

I lack a good general knowledge of my work.

I lack personality, poise – good health, ambition.

I lack a philosophy of life, humility – strength.

And I might add character and manliness.

Remember, he’s only 24! The poor guy, the only thing he lacked was self-confidence. It seems to me that he put his mom on such a pedestal that he constantly compared himself to her. Though he never complains of it, I wonder if he wasn’t passive-aggressively nagged by her to do better, though it could all be projected, of course.